
Gesualdo M. Zucco

Department of Philosophy, Sociology, Education and Applied Psychology, University of Padova
Via Venezia 14, 35100 Padova, Italy
tel +39 049 8276678
e-mail zucco@unipd.it

Research Activity

Main Key research topics are related to Chemical Senses, Olfactory Perception and Cognition, Neuropsychology of olfaction, Olfaction in Neurodegenerative, Psychiatric, and infective disorders, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Environmental odours, Olfactory Testing, Memory.

Gesualdo Zucco is member of various scientific societies, active Referee for international Journals (e.g., Chemical Senses, Chemosensory Perception, Cortex, Physiology and Behaviour, Behavioural Neuroscience, Plos One, Psychological Bulletin, Brain and Cognition, Neurocase, Journal of Neuroscience Methods)  and academic organizations (the Italian REPRISE and SIR of the Ministry of Education and  Universities, MIUR; The French National Research Agency, ANR; The Australian Higher Degree Research Committee). He is member of editorial boards (e,g, Brain Sciences), and associate editor of Frontiers in Cognitive Science, and author of books and original articles published on international and national journals.

Five most representative publications

  • Zucco G. M. (2011), Olfactory performance assessed via a new odour recognition test. Reliability and normative data. Journal of Cognitive Psychology, 23, 1-7.
  • Zucco, G.M., Herz, R.S., Schaal, B. (a cura di, 2012) Olfactory Cognition: from Perception and Memory to Environmental Odours and Neuroscience. John Benjamins, Publishing Company, Amsterdam (Holland)
  • Zucco G.M., Prior M., Sartori G., Stevenson R.J. (2013), Odour perception following bilateral damage to the olfactory bulbs: A possible case of blind smell. Cortex, 49, 599-604.
  • Zucco, G.M.,  Rovatti, F.,  Stevenson, R.J. (2015), Olfactory Asymmetric Dysfunction  in Early Parkinson Patients Affected by Unilateral Disorder. Frontiers in Psychology, Cognitive Science, 6, 1-4
  • Zucco, GM, Doty, RL. (2021), Multiple Chemical Sensitivity. Brain Sciences, 12, 46