Centre for Mechanics of Biological Materials
Centro interdipartimentale di ricerca di Meccanica dei Materiali Biologici
The persons involved in the research and advanced educational activity belong to different departments and bring their specific experience to define a real interdisciplinary approach in treating the problems of biological tissue and biomaterial mechanics. In this sense, a list of main departments and research areas is reported:
Engineering area
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Civile, Edile e Ambientale – Department of Civil, Environmental and Architectural Engineering
Dipartimento di Ingegneria Industriale – Department of Industrial Engineering
Dipartimento di Tecnica e Gestione dei Sistemi Industriali – Department of Management and Engineering
Mathematical area
Dipartimento di Matematica – Department of Mathematics
Chemical area
Dipartimento di Scienze Chimiche – Department of Chemical Sciences
Biomedical, medical and clinical area
Dipartimento di Medicina Animale, Produzioni e Salute – Department of Animal Medicine, Production and Health
Dipartimento di Neuroscienze – Department of Neuroscience
Dipartimento di Scienze Biomediche – Department of Biomedical Sciences
Dipartimento di Scienze Chirurgiche Oncologiche e Gastroenterologiche – Department of Surgical, Oncologic and Gastroenterological Sciences
Dipartimento di Scienze Cardiologiche, Toraciche e Vascolari – Department of Cardiological, Thoracic and Vascular Sciences

CMBM members and activities
The multidisciplinary configuration of the CMBM makes it possible to concentrate the study of large and complex problems in a single research unit. This operational configuration leads to greater guarantees of activity performance, quality and reliability of results, in the light of an extensive working experience over the last decade, carried out on an international basis and properly documented. Cost reduction is also a direct consequence of the concentration of human and material resources.
Leading competences in different fields are integrated, within the field of mechanics of biological materials (tissue mechanics and biomaterials), biochemistry (biochemical processes), materials science (metallic, polymeric and ceramic materials), manufacturing techniques (product manufacturing and characterisation) and mechatronics (control and automation of mechanical systems).
The above-mentioned areas of applied research in the field of biomedical and materials engineering are directly related to the corresponding clinical and surgical activities and to industrial production, operating in a wide field of applications and interacting with a vast market, which is of great economic and social relevance, especially with regard to healthcare systems.

Resources for research and teaching activities are obtained through projects funded by the European Community, Ministries of Research and Education, international centres and research laboratories, international foundations and industries active in the fields of biomechanics, bioengineering, biochemistry and materials engineering.
CMBM has developed and maintains international relationships with universities and research centres of excellence in Europe and North America.
The teaching and scientific activity is documented through publications in international scientific journals, books and reports, which provide a broad and detailed description of the work carried out.
Main research areas
Biomechanics – Mechanics of Biological Tissues
Emanuele Luigi Carniel, Chiara Giulia Fontanella, Piero G. Pavan, Silvia Todros, Alice Berardo, Ilaria Toniolo, Daniela Boso, Carmelo Maiorana, Carlo Pellegrino, Valentina A. Salomoni, Gianluca Mazzucco, Roberto Meneghello, Francesco Pesavento, Lorenzo Sanavia, Gianpaolo Savio, Francesca Uccheddu, Lorenza Bonaldi, Maria Vittoria Mascolini, Sofia Pettenuzzo, Paola Pirini
Anatomical Sciences
Veronica Macchi, Andrea Porzionato, Rafael Boscolo Berto, Carla Stecco, Cesare Tiengo, Carmelo Pirri, Elena Stocco, Silvia Barbon
Animal Medicine
Giulia M. De Benedictis, Laura Cavicchioli, Anna Perazzi
Applied Mathematics
Lorenzo Zanelli
Andrea Bagno, Monica Dettin, Martina Todesco
Biomedical Sciences
Marco Narici, Lorenzo Marcucci
Cardiovascular Sciences
Gino Gerosa, Laura Iop, Tomaso Bottio
Chemical Sciences
Vito Di Noto, Silvia Gross, Gesualdo M. Zucco, Miriam Mba Blázquez, Enzo Menna, Enrico Negro, Giancarlo Ottaviano
Gastroenterological Sciences
Lino Polese, Renato Salvador, Nicola Baldan, Mirto Foletto
Alberto Trevisani
Franco Bonollo, Manuele Dabalà, Paolo Ferro, Lisa Biasetto, Katya Brunelli, Giulio Timelli
Orthopedics and Orthopedic Oncology
Pietro Ruggieri, Carlo Biz, Elisa Belluzzi, Assunta Pozzuoli
Precision Manufacturing
Stefania Bruschi, Simone Carmignato, Andrea Ghiotti, Enrico Savio, Giovanni Lucchetta
Science and Technology of Ceramics
Paolo Colombo, Enrico Bernardo
Science and Technology of Polymers
Michele Modesti, Alessandra Lorenzetti, Martina Roso
Honorary Members
Arturo N. Natali
Raffaele De Caro
Associated Memebers
Adriano Montanaro
Michela Redivo Zaglia
Tiziana Pampanin
Valentina Masotto
For any further information please do reference to the description given within the web site and contact directly the specific person by using the email address or phone.